Easterine Kire: Transitioning the literary work of Nagaland from Oral to Written

It is not right to expect only political themes from our writers: that would clip their wings considerably. I usually explain that we, writing from the hills, have the backdrop of the hills of history, culture, religion, and politics behind us.

Easterine Kire

Easterine felt a pull towards saving her dying folklore. History narrated, can be erased. History when it’s written down; lives forever. She wanted to preserve the folklore, the poetry, and the history of the hills. She feels that technology has already made its way into the lands, but that does not mean that the ancestry and values must be swept under the rug. She believes in a need to filter out the bad and keep the good from what these stories and poetry offer. According to her, the highest form of native literature is found in poetry. 


Easterine Kire was born in 29th March 1959 in the hills of Nagaland. She is a Naga novelist from Kohima, northeast India which is well-known for her narrative that preserves the history of the state. Her works include novels, poetry, and children’s books. She address themes of identity, struggles, and human relationships in a traditional community, gaining her fame and honors. In 1982, she became the first women to publish her poetry in English from Nagaland. 

Her Notable works

Easterine Kire is an accomplished English Naga author who has written several books that speak about Nagaland. She addressed various universal themes of identity, strength, and the impact of historical forces. 

One of her highly praised work is ‘When the River Sleeps.’ It is a novel that blends folklore with a contemporary narrative. The story revolves around a Naga warrior’s chase to find a magical stone. It explores themes of destiny, spirituality, and the interplay between tradition and modernity.

Another significant work by Kire is ‘A Terrible Matriarchy.’  It is a collection of short stories that peep into Naga society through the lens of its women. These stories offer a moving understanding of the challenges that the Naga women face. It also celebrates their strength despite the obstacles in the unique socio-cultural context.

‘Bitter Wormwood’ explores the blow of political conflict on individuals and communities. The novel follows the lives of characters affected by the Naga insurgency. It sheds light on the complexities of identity, loyalty, and the hope for peace during upheaval.

Set in the pre-colonial Naga world, the novel ‘Mari’ narrates a tale of love and sacrifice that goes on in the tribal traditions. It explores several themes of outlawed love, societal norms, and the spirit of the people amidst it all.

Easterine Kire’s works make her a literary icon that describes the various facets of the Naga culture, history, and the human experience. Through her storytelling powers, she preserves the unique heritage of the Naga people. She offers a narrative that is universally faced during one’s life and through societal transformation.

Feminism away from the mainstream 

Her definition of feminism is different because, in the Naga tribe, she always saw strong women. She doesn’t inform it intentionally and therefore doesn’t relate to mainstream feminism. She recognizes other difficulties that the women face. To her, every community is different. Therefore, the struggles are different as well. 

Easterine Kire’s portrayal of Naga’s social realities in the context of feminism sets her apart from mainstream feminism. It shows the unique dynamics within the Naga tribe. The presence of strong women has been a constant, shaping the community in ways distinct from the usual patriarchal narratives.

Kire’s depiction suggests that these women have played important roles for many years; not by conforming to externally defined gender roles, but by contributing actively to the socio-cultural milieu.

One size does not fit all.

She challenges the notion of a one-size-fits-all narrative. Kire invites readers to appreciate the diversity of issues that people experience and challenges preconceived notions surrounding the problems in traditional societies.

Her writings are always based on the realities of lives. She captures the good with the bad. She builds a narrative away from the media. For this,she won the Tata Book of the year and as well as the Bal Sahitya Puraskar in 2018.

Easterine Kire giving a speech

Impact on Nagaland 

Easterine Kire has left an indelible impact on Nagaland through her literary contributions. Her works serve as a cultural bridge, connecting the past, present, and future of the Naga people. By weaving Naga folklore, traditions, and contemporary themes into her stories, Kire has played a crucial role in preserving and promoting the rich cultural heritage of Nagaland.

Kire’s influence instills a feeling of identity and pride among the Naga youth. By delving into themes of love, sacrifice, and the vast culture of the Naga life, she has helped construct a collective narrative. This narrative is consistent with the experiences of her tribe.

Her writings offer an understanding of the challenges faced by the Naga society, especially about periods of conflict and change. Kire’s storytelling not only reflects the struggles of the Naga people but also celebrates their good and wisdom. 

Through her novels and short stories, she has provided a platform for Naga’s voices to be heard and understood, both within and beyond the borders of Nagaland.


She changed the narrative of a Northeast that is always burning in conflict. She moved away from it while addressing the problems and bringing forward the wisdom and glory it offers. 

In hindsight, Easterine Kire’s literary contributions not only enhanced Nagaland’s cultural environment, but also played an important part in conserving, promoting, and molding the Naga people’s story, leaving behind a legacy for future generations.

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