people. places. culture.


Discover the heart of Northeast India through captivating stories of resilience, breathtaking landscapes, and diverse cultures. Join us on a journey that celebrates the extraordinary spirit of the Northeast – where every tale, vista, and tradition paints a vibrant picture of this enchanting region.


Arunachal Pradesh
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Patricia Mukhim- Force of Social Change in Meghalaya
Patricia Mukhim is a journalist and a social activist from the state of Meghalaya. Through truth and...
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Saiha - Fastest growing city of Mizoram
Saiha is the fastest-growing city in Mizoram. It is elevated at a height of 729m above sea level. It...
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Sikkim's Celebration of Harvest and Tradition - Losoong Festival
Introduction Losoong, also known as Namsoong, is one of the region’s most important celebrations....
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Easterine Kire: Transitioning the literary work of Nagaland from Oral to Written
It is not right to expect only political themes from our writers: that would clip their wings considerably....
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The Charming Whistling Village of Khongtong, Meghalaya
About 53km from Meghalaya’s capital Shillong, the lesser-known land of Khongtong lies. It is present...
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Journey Through Time: Understanding the Origins of the Kuki Tribe
The Kuki tribe is mostly located in the states of Manipur, Nagaland, Mizoram, and Assam. However, Tripura...
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Dipa Karmakar – The face of Indian gymnastics
“I want to inspire the next generation so that in 10 to 15 years, India can send a full gymnastics...
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Ujjayanta Palace - Tripura's Royal History, Mythology, and Architecture
At the centre of the state Tripura, lies Ujjayanta Palace. The name Ujjayanta means ‘The Palace of Victory’...
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Pang Lhabsol festival of Sikkim
The Pang Lhabsol Festival of Sikkim is a celebration of shared cultural heritage. It is also commonly...
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Rewaj Chettri
Behind the Mind of NE Origins - Rewaj Chettri
Sikkim has seen many budding entrepreneurs in this era; one of which is Rewaj Chettri. He is a serial...
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what people say about us

As a student passionate about exploring different cultures, Humans of Northeast India has been a revelation for me. I first learned about this incredible initiative during a college presentation on cultural diversity. The stories shared here are not just anecdotes; they are windows into the hearts and souls of the people of the Northeast. These narratives have inspired me to travel, learn, and connect with people from different backgrounds. It's more than just a collection of stories; it's a catalyst for personal growth and understanding. Thank you for broadening my horizons!
Emma Odinson
I have always been fascinated by the diversity of our country, but Humans of Northeast India brought a whole new perspective to my understanding. The stories shared on this platform provide a glimpse into lives, struggles, and triumphs that are often overlooked in mainstream narratives. The resilience and unique cultures of the people in the Northeast have inspired me to embrace diversity, celebrate differences, and approach life with a broader perspective. I am grateful for the eye-opening experience that these stories have offered me.
Dian Annakin
Discovering Humans of Northeast India was a game-changer for me! I stumbled upon this treasure trove of stories about the people, places, and cultures of the region when a friend shared a post. The narratives are so rich, diverse, and inspiring. Each story has become a source of motivation for me in my daily life. It's not just about learning about a region; it's about understanding the essence of humanity in its many forms. Thank you for opening my eyes to the incredible region of the Northeast!
Kyle Smith