Meitei Tribe: The Heart of Manipur

Amid the lush hills of Northeast India, lies Manipur’s Meitei civilization. It is the largest tribe of Manipur. Ancient traditions, rich mythology, and a profound connection to nature are the essence of Meitei culture. 

As the largest tribe in Manipur, the Meitei people embody the heart and soul of the region’s cultural heritage. With a population constituting more than half of the state’s populace, their dominance proclaims through the lands of Manipur. 

However, amidst the lush greenery and vibrant communities, Manipur is also home to a tapestry of 22 co-existing tribes, each contributing to the state’s cultural diversity. Among these tribes, the Meitei stand out not only for their sheer numbers but also for the indelible mark they have left on Manipuri culture.

Ancient Roots and Enduring Traditions 

The Meitei civilization’s culture developed over thousands of years, starting in ancient Kangleipak and mostly continuing until medieval Kangleipak. Throughout this period, it also had an impact on adjacent states and kingdoms that is still felt today.

They have a boasting history steeped in complexity and bravery. They take great pride in narrating their tales through word of mouth at events and celebrations. 


The Meitei tribe has a distinct language called ‘Meitei Mayek’ and the locals only communicate through it. It is the official language of Manipur. While each tribe in Manipur often converses with their dialect to interact within their tribal community, Manipuris speak Meitei Mayak to interact with each other. 

They have their own script, festivals, and customs. They are very culturally connected with their roots and try to follow all kinds of measures to preserve that tradition.


Sanjari is a folk song belonging to the Meitei Tribe. Khunangaishei is also an ancient song sung by the people of Meitei. In ancient times, the songs only had vocals in them and were sung without music. The songs were of free verse and had no particular script written for them. These songs were a means to transfer stories about ancestors and the nature in which they lived. With time, music was introduced to these songs.


Rituals and ceremonies are integral to their daily life, breathing life into milestones and maintaining a deep connection with ancestors.  

Yaoshang – It is the most important festival of the Meitei Tribe. It takes place over the course of five days. 

Cheiraoba-  People celebrate the new year by worshipping Laoninthou Sanamahee by offering fruits and vegetables.  

Emoinu Eratpa- She is the goddess of prosperity and the Meitei locals pray for wealth.  

The Lai Haraoba- It is a festival for the Thanksgiving ceremony. It comes in the springtime joy of Yaoshang. 

Heikru Hitongba– It is a boat racing festival, usually celebrated in the month of September with great enthusiasm.

Heikru Hidongba Festival

Faith and beliefs

Meitei culture embraces a harmonious blend of religious beliefs. Sanamahism, the indigenous religion, reveres Lainingthou Sanamahi as the supreme creator deity alongside celestial beings. 

Concurrently, Hinduism has woven its influence into Meitei spirituality, with deities like Krishna and Shiva seamlessly integrated into festivals such as Lai Haraoba. This coexistence reflects the inclusive and adaptable nature of the Meitei people.

Artistic Expressions

Creativity flourishes in Meitei culture, finding expression in various art forms. Manipuri classical dance, a national treasure, transcends performance to become a spiritual medium, narrating ancient myths through graceful movements and vibrant costumes. 

One of the main Indian traditional dance styles, the Manipuri dance or Raas Leela is among the greatest cultural accomplishments of the Meitei people of Manipur, who practice traditional Vaishnavism.

Visual arts, including the symbolic masks of the Lai Haraoba dance, traditional pottery, handloom weaving, and sculpture, showcase the artistic prowess deeply rooted in Meitei heritage.

A Culinary Adventure

Understanding Meitei culture would be incomplete without savoring its delectable cuisine. From ingredients to recipes, they have a unique way of preparing their dishes. From the tangy ‘Masor Tenga’ fish curry to the comforting ‘Eromba’ lentil dish, Meitei food tantalizes with its unique spice blends and fresh ingredients. 

Rice is a staple. It blends with the dishes perfectly. The locals cook their meals using seasonal fresh vegetables and local herbs. It mirrors the region’s culinary diversity. Ooti, Eromba, Changempomba, Kangsoi, Naga toibaa thomba are some famous delicacies of the Meitei people.


According to Manipur’s Meitei mythology and folklore, one of the things that causes mother nature(Goddess Leimarel Sidabi) to grieve over the loss of her beloved offspring is deforestation.

Mentioned in a story poem, Hijan Hirao states that King Hongnem Luwang Ningthou Punsiba of the Luwang dynasty once gave his warriors orders to cut down the forests in order to create a stunning royal Hiyang Hiren. Before cutting down the forests the following day, they carried out customary ceremonies and rituals.

To them, protecting trees preserves their ancestry. It is deep within their culture to never disrespect mother-nature for one’s benefit. 

A Legacy 

The Meitei people’s historical journey reflects a legacy of adaptation with their feet buried in the roots of their culture. Amid external pressures, they have steadfastly preserved their cultural identity. They have manifested their spirit of perseverance in art, music, and daily life. This incorporation of culture serves as an inspiration to safeguard their heritage for generations to come. 


Meitei culture depicts an essence overflowing with history, faith, art, and a zest for life. With an amalgamation of various traditions and diversity, locals have enriched their culture. The people of Manipur cherish their customs and beliefs.

From vibrant festivals to intricate dances and mesmerizing music, every aspect of Meitei culture tells a story of strength and celebration. It’s a multicultural mix of different faiths coexist, creating a harmonious blend of spiritual beliefs. The locals, like guardians of a sacred legacy, passionately safeguard their culture, ensuring it thrives for generations to come.

It showcases ancient traditions, captivating mythology, and an interesting bond with nature.

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