Patricia Mukhim- Force of Social Change in Meghalaya

Patricia Mukhim is a journalist and a social activist from the state of Meghalaya. Through truth and compassion, she has built a life of inspiration. She is renowned for her multifaceted personality as a social activist, writer, journalist, and the editor of the esteemed Shillong Times. Her life and work have been a testament to her utmost dedication to her home state, its people, and their well-being.

Early Life 

Born in Shillong, the capital city of Meghalaya, Patricia’s formative years were under the influence of the rich culture and natural beauty that the region has. This deep connection to her roots ultimately shaped her path and her future. 

After witnessing the challenges faced by her community, particularly in the wake of political unrest and social inequalities, she knew she had to take some action. She decided to voice against it. It ignited a passion for justice and advocacy within her. 

A Career Forged in Words and Action 

Patricia’s career began with journalism. Her pen became the tool for social commentary and critique. She spoke about various issues fearlessly. She addressed issues like environmental concerns, human rights violations, and corruption, and became a voice for the marginalized. 

Her commitment to truth and transparency earned her both admiration and criticism, but never deterred her determination. 

Awards and Recognition 

She is the proud winner of numerous prestigious awards. Her work was felicitated by India’s fourth highest civilian honor- The Padma Shri in the year in 2000.  Patricia is also a receiver of the Chameli Devi Jain Award, the ONE India Award, and the Upendra Nath Brahma Soldier of Humanity Award which shows her impact on various social spheres. 

We Care – NGO 

Patricia’s influence extends beyond journalism. She founded Shillong We Care. It is a non-governmental organization dedicated to combating militancy and promoting peace. 


Her involvement in various government advisory boards speaks volumes about her leadership and expertise in the issues she talks of. Additionally, she is a prolific writer. She has written in all the major newspapers of India. She is an intellectual who has written several insightful articles and books that talk about the social and political realities of Meghalaya.

Inspiration and Motivation

Patricia’s inspiration stems from her deep love for Meghalaya and its people. Witnessing their struggles fueled her desire to create change and advocate for their betterment. Her unshaken commitment throughout these years has led her towards ethical journalism and social justice. She serves as a guiding light for aspiring journalists and activists. 

Impact on Meghalaya

Patricia’s influence on Meghalaya is undeniable. Her voice has been instrumental in raising awareness about critical issues, fostering dialogue, and holding authorities accountable. Her work has contributed significantly to shaping public discourse and advocating for positive social change in the state.

Patricia Mukhim’s social activism is deeply intertwined with her journalistic career and her love for Meghalaya.

Human Rights 

Mukhim has been a vocal advocate for the rights of indigenous communities in Meghalaya, particularly the Khasis. She has spoken out against discrimination, land dispossession, and the impact of large-scale development projects on their way of life. 

Through her writings and activism, Mukhim has consistently raised awareness about gender inequality and violence against women in Meghalaya. She has been a supporter of women’s empowerment initiatives and has advocated for stronger legislation to protect their rights. 

 Mukhim has been a strong defender of press freedom and freedom of expression in India. She has faced various challenges, including legal cases and online harassment, for her critical reporting and commentary on issues of governance and social justice. She talks about civil liberties significantly, 

Environmental Protection

Mukhim has been a staunch advocate for environmental protection in Meghalaya. She particularly tried to preserve the ecologically sensitive Khasi Hills. She has raised awareness about deforestation, illegal mining, and other environmental threats facing the region. She believes in sustainable development practices. She wants the same for Meghalaya by promoting policies that prioritize conservation alongside economic growth and the well-being of local communities. 

Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution

Mukhim through its We Care NGO, dedicated herself to promoting peace and combat militancy in Meghalaya. Through dialogue, community engagement, and rehabilitation programs, the organization has played a crucial role in fostering peace and reconciliation in the region. Mukhim has actively worked to bridge divides between different communities in Meghalaya. She stands against communal violence tries to reduce communal tensions and promotes social harmony by encouraging dialogue and understanding.

Impact on Meghalaya 

Patricia Mukhim’s social activism has made a significant difference in Meghalaya. She has been a courageous voice for the marginalized, a champion of human rights and environmental protection, and a tireless advocate for peace and social justice. Her dedication and unwavering commitment to positive change continue to inspire generations of activists and citizens in Meghalaya and beyond.

Patricia during an ongoing Social Protest.

She has spoken out on several instances and never backed down. She advocated strongly against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and for strict environmental measures and regulations. She took part in national-level debates and discussions on social and political issues despite some backlash and risks.

Looking Ahead 

Even after decades of dedicated service, Patricia’s journey still continues at the age of 70. She remains at the forefront of critical conversations, using her platform to challenge the status quo and advocate for a more just and equitable society. Her determination and passion continue to inspire and empower not only in Meghalaya but across India. 


Patricia Mukhim’s life and work are a powerful example of what dedication, courage, and compassion can achieve. She has become a symbol of hope and progress in Meghalaya, leaving an indelible mark on its social and political landscape. Her story serves as an inspiration to all who strive for a better world, reminding us that even one voice can ignite positive change.

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