Ponung Doming: The first Woman Colonel from Arunachal Pradesh

Ponung Doming has broken barriers by becoming the first woman from the state of Arunachal Pradesh to reach the coveted rank of colonel in the Indian Army. This groundbreaking achievement has paved the way for other women in the military, inspiring them to dream big and shatter glass ceilings.

Early Dreams and Achievements

Born in the serene town of Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh, Ponung grew up with a strong sense of duty and a desire to serve her country. Her family valued education and public service, instilling these principles in her from a young age. Ponung completed her schooling at Government Daying Higher Secondary School and IGJ Higher Secondary School in Pasighat.

Academic and Professional Beginnings

Ponung pursued a degree in civil engineering at Walchand College of Engineering in Maharashtra. After graduation, she began working at Larson and Toubro in Kolkata. However, her heart was set on joining the Indian Army. While working, she prepared for the Combined Defence Services Examination (CDSE) and developed her Officer Like Qualities (OLQs) for the Services Selection Board (SSB) assessment.

Joining the Indian Army

In September 2008, Ponung’s hard work paid off when she cleared the SSB and was commissioned as a lieutenant in the Indian Army after training at the Officers Training Academy in Chennai. Ponung’s dedication and skill were evident as she quickly rose through the ranks, becoming a major in just 4.5 years.

Breaking New Ground

Ponung made history on September 23, 2019, by becoming the first woman officer from Arunachal Pradesh to be promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel. This achievement not only marked a personal milestone but also paved the way for other women in the military.

United Nations Peacekeeping Mission

During the early years of her service, Ponung showcased her versatility by serving as a peacekeeper on a United Nations mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo. This experience highlighted her commitment to international security and her ability to adapt to different roles.

Historic Promotion to Colonel

On June 1, 2023, Ponung reached another significant milestone when she was promoted to colonel. In her new role, she became the first Indian woman officer to command a border roads outpost at one of the highest altitudes in the world. This position involves overseeing critical infrastructure in extremely challenging terrains, contributing immensely to national security.

Inspiring Future Generations

Ponung Doming’s journey is a testament to what can be achieved with hard work, determination, and resilience. She has not only broken gender barriers in a traditionally male-dominated field but has also inspired countless young girls across India to dream big and pursue their aspirations. Her story exemplifies the growing role and recognition of women in the Indian Armed Forces and other sectors.

Ponung’s achievements are more than just personal victories; they symbolize a step forward for gender equality and empowerment in India. Her journey continues to inspire and motivate the next generation of women to break the glass ceiling and reach for the stars.

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