people. places. culture.


Discover the heart of Northeast India through captivating stories of resilience, breathtaking landscapes, and diverse cultures. 

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Venuzo Dawhuo: The Unstoppable Force of Naga Wrestling
Venuzo Timothy Dawhuo is a rising wrestling champion from the hills of Nagaland, India. He is not just strong and graceful; he is a force not to reckon with. In Naga wrestling, an ancient sport, Venuzo...
Tuophema Village
Tuophema: The Heritage Village Nagaland
Tuophema village is known as the heritage village of Nagaland. Tuophema’s rich culture, tradition, and community portray the many different ways Naga villages sustain themselves. With little over 500 households,...
Jeje Lalpekhlua
Mizoram’s Prodigy: Jeje Lalpekhlua surfaces as the pride of Indian Football
Jeje Lalpekhlua Fanai is a name that is synonymous with Indian football. He is a versatile player who can play in a variety of positions, but he is best known for his attacking prowess. Lalpekhlua is a...
Phawngpui Town
Phawngpui: Blue Mountains of Mizoram
Mizoram is called the “Land of the Hill People.” It is a cherished state in northeast India. Phawngpui lies on the state’s southeast border, overlooking a bend in the huge Chhimtuipui...
Lou Majaw
Lou Majaw- The Bob Dylan of India
In the heart of Shillong, Meghalaya, lives a legend – Dylan Majaw. Not just a name etched in rock, Dylan’s music is a bridge between generations trying to find their own voice in the world. For over 50...
Pnar Tribe
Uncovering Meghalaya's Pnar: A Matrilineal Tribe
Deep within the hills of Meghalaya, India, resides the Pnars. They are a vibrant sub-tribe of the larger Khasi people. They describe themselves as the “Ki Khun Hynűiew Trep,” meaning “Children...
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