Behind the Mind of NE Origins – Rewaj Chettri

Sikkim has seen many budding entrepreneurs in this era; one of which is Rewaj Chettri. He is a serial entrepreneur and the CEO and founder of over 35 companies and enterprises, contributing to various fields like trade, tourism, food, and culture.  He won the title of Forbes Asia 30 under 30 in 2018 under the Consumer category. 

Out of all his initiatives, he is most famously known for NE Taxi and NE Origins. He believes in the idea of community entrepreneurship and digs into it with much passion.


Chettri was born in a tiny village in India’s Sikkim state. He was an extremely determined person even in his early school years. He attended three schools; Holy Cross School,  Rockvale Academy, and Sadam Senior Secondary School Sikkim. Chettri then went to the North Eastern Regional Institute of Science to earn his Forestry degree. Ever since then, he never stopped being an entrepreneur. He started NE News and NE Taxi right in his dorm room. 

NE Taxi

He started NE taxi from Sikkim with a bank balance of less than 500 rupees at that time. This, however, never stopped him from thinking big. NE Taxi was founded by Rewaj in his dorm room in 2013. He classified it as a tourist taxi service, the first of its type in the country, that works directly with drivers, making it safer and more secure for passengers.

Early beginnings of Rewaj Chettri’s entrepreneurship

Amid the Covid epidemic, Rewaj Chettri began working on his passion project. This idea would enable local farmers to sell their food items through his e-commerce platform. These were largely condiments, spices, and beverages which were specifically Northeastern traditional food supplements.

Initially, the focus was on reaching out to distant areas of the northeast to guarantee that businesses could continue to operate despite a supply chain interruption caused by Covid lockdowns. However, it quickly evolved into a bigger aim of promoting the region’s original flavors to the rest of the globe.

In two and a half years, the online marketplace has onboarded over 250 merchants and provided consumers with a diverse selection of authentic New England cuisine. To expand further, Chettri revamped the platform in October 2022, standardizing products and packaging, and enabling seamless consumer involvement. The platform has sold over 20,000 F&B goods and served over 15K clients. NE Origins made INR 45 lakh in sales in FY22.

NE Origins 

Ever since Chettri’s hostel days, he worked relentlessly on his crude ideas to bring out his vision. Through hard work, he has now created an empire that is much recognized all over. NE Origins hunts and offers the spirit of the seven sisters’ culture and food through its business model. It acts as a bridge for the unknown to be known and accessible to all.

This enterprise has turned many into businessmen and given a platform to showcase its indigenous products and sustain them. Its produce delivers unadulterated products that would take you to the hills and rivers that the produce has come from. It hits home, or so to speak. It gives a glimpse of what the Northeast is all about for the population who hasn’t experienced it yet. Farmers and consumers have been bridged through this initiative boosting its economy for the better.

One cannot explore the northeast without its diverse flavor journey. The region’s cuisine is a mix of various flavors, that reflect the historical cultural diversity of its people. From the fiery spices of Assam to the subtle flavors of Meghalaya, each state contributes its unique essence to the culinary masterpiece that is northeastern cuisine. It presents different product lines through its shop; focusing on and highlighting the ones the land is known for best.

Cultural fusion

Beyond the realm of food, the northeastern region is a salad bowl of cultural influences. The intricate blend of indigenous traditions with external influences has given birth to a cultural mosaic that is both captivating and distinct. The region’s festivals, rituals, and art forms are a testament to the harmonious coexistence of various ethnicities, creating a cultural blend that is truly one-of-a-kind. Although all the cultures sync into one another, they have held onto their cultural heritage.

Self-sustaining practices

What sets the Northeast apart is not just its cultural diversity but also its commitment to self-sustainability. The use of natural resources in everyday life, along with its authentic farming practices, reflects a deep connection with its land. The people of the northeast have embraced a lifestyle that not only preserves the environment but also produces goods of

exceptional value. Chettri developed this idea into its products giving it a trust that only authenticity can build.

Empires built on indigeneity

The northeast origins have become a powerful marketing tool, creating an empire around indigenous goods. From handwoven textiles to organic produce, the region has successfully showcased the beauty and quality of its products. This not only preserves traditional craftsmanship but also fosters economic sustainability within the local communities.

Mentorship and workshop

Chettri also conducts financial literacy workshops, where people are enlightened about good credit scores, the need to maintain clean balance sheets, financial assistance schemes, etc

He has started a program called the ‘Masterclass’. With the combined efforts from the Government of Sikkim and India, he has opened the Entrepreneurs’ Hub and Consultation Centre. These initiatives help young entrepreneurs understand the start-up business. 


Rewaj Chettri’s pull towards Northeast has made him what he is today. His exceptional mind not only preserved the heritage of the northeast region but has also become a beacon of inspiration for embracing and celebrating diversity. He is an inspiration to many trying to jump into start-ups. 

His vision has opened the way for mainstreaming the region and culture of Northeast India to India and the world while boosting its economy. The northeastern region stands as a testament to the richness of India’s cultural diversity. 

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